OCT product specs comparison chart

 There are several types of OCT products, and the specifications are adjustable in some areas, so there are many options. Please consult with us so that we can present you with the appropriate type and adjust specifications to achieve your objectives.

 Below is a comparison chart of our product specifications.

Product name Lateral resolution Depth resolution Imaging depth Scan range A-scan rate B-scan rate Volume scan time
OCT-SS-01 19 μm15 μm (in air)
11 μm (in tissue)
1.5 mm
(depends on the sample)
4 × 4 × 4 mm3
(you can select 1-12 mm)
50,000/sec110/sec 4.7 sec
OCT-SD-01 15 μm10 μm (in air)
7.3 μm (in tissue)
1 mm
(depends on the sample)
4 × 4 × 4 mm3
(you can select 1-12 mm)
50,000/sec 110/sec4.7 sec
OCT-JM-01 19 μm15 μm (in air)
11 μm (in tissue)
1.9 mm
(depends on the sample)
6 × 6 × 4 mm3
(you can select 1-12 mm)
50,000/sec 80/sec6.7 sec

 The following table compares the contrasts that can be measured with our products.
  〇: The contrast can be measured. ✕: The contrast cannot be measured.

コントラストの名称 対応する特性 OCT-SS-01 OCT-SD-01 OCT-JM-01
OCTIntensity of light coming back through tissue scattering and absorption
Attenuation coefficientReflects tissue density
AngiograpyVisualization of blood flow in tissue
BirefringenceFibrotic tissue, collagen tissue, nerve fibers
Degree of polarization uniformity (DOPU)Melanin and multiple scattering tissues
Example of the contrasts: human forearm (measured with OCT-JM-01)

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