About Us

Company name
Sky technology Inc.
Head office (Development Room / Conference Room):
Dai-san Yoshimura Bldg. 2F, Takezono 2-10-8, Tsukuba city, Ibaraki prefecture
JointLab (OCT Laboratory):
Optical coherence tomography laboratory in R&D Center for innovative material characterization,
Laboratory of Advanced Research B: 510-2A, University of Tsukuba,
Tennodai 1-1-1, Tsukuba city, Ibaraki prefecture
10 million yen
Renzo Ikeda
Line of business
Support systems for advanced science and technology/research and development, Measurement and control systems for R&D/medical equipment, Integration and consulting of measurement systems/data integration management platforms
Main customers
Aisin Corporation, JTEKT Corporation, Honda R&D Co.,Ltd., Yamaha Motor Co., Ltd., Kyoto University, Hitachi Power Semiconductor Device, Ltd., Kao Corporation, Toray Industries, Inc., DIC Corporation, Suzuki Motor Corporation, National Agriculture and Food Research Organization, National Institutes for Quantum and Radiological Science and Technology, Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency, University of Tsukuba, Kitasato University, Tokyo University of Science, Saitama Medical University, National Institute for Materials Science, The High Energy Accelerator Research Organization, National Cancer Center, Gigaphoton Inc., Hitachi Astemo, Ltd., Sigmakoki Co.,Ltd., Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Yoshida Dental Mfg. Co., Ltd., Samsung R&D Institute Japan, Hitachi Industrial Products, Ltd., Tatsuta Electric Wire Cable Co,.Ltd, SIJ Technology, Inc., TAKAHAGI-JIKOH Co. Ltd., HORIBA, Ltd., Picotecbio Corp., Osaka University, National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, Japan Automobile Research Institute, OHTE GIKEN, INC., Mitsubishi Hitachi Tool Engineering, Ltd., The Yokohama Rubber Co., Ltd., Alps Electric Co., Ltd., Hitachi Industry & Control Solutions, Ltd., Asahi Intecc Co., Ltd., MRTechnology, Inc., HAZAMA ANDO CORPORATION, MIS Corporation, Tohoku University, Nichicon Corporation, Netch Japan Co., Ltd, Littelfuse Japan G.K. (In no particular order, titles omitted)


Shorten development cycle
 We are actively seeking orders for projects that are challenging and where competitiveness and innovation are important, such as the construction of smart R&D/factory-related measurement systems, system/data integrated management platforms, and equipment development (support for commercialization of research results). These projects are frequently updated with the latest technology and customer needs, and are characterized by short cycles of system improvements and enhancements. We specialize in the development, improvement, and expansion of systems in short cycles, as well as the proposal and design of systems without waste or unreasonableness, with a view to their improvement and expansion. We are particularly strong in measurement and control systems for R&D, integrated management platforms for systems and data, and prototype equipment development.

Repeat rate
 The repeat rate for the past three years is 98.3 % (as of April 2020). The majority of our clients, including new clients, are repeat customers with short term cycles of a few weeks to a few months. We are often consulted on projects that are challenging and require competitiveness, innovation, and drive, and almost all of our customers prefer small-start, short-cycle development with an eye toward short-term improvement and expansion.

Benefits for repeat customers 
 ✔ There is no need to explain the nature of the work or research from the beginning. 
 ✔ The engineer in charge, who understands the research and the business, can quickly propose the next system or modification. 
 ✔ More opportunities for after-sales follow-up and continued use of the system in its most up-to-date and optimal condition. 
 ✔ With each increase in the number of repeats, shorter development cycles and lower costs can be expected. 

Development Team

〇 In-house development members 
 System/data integrated management (SysytemLink)     2 persons 
 Advanced measurement systems (Including OCT research) 2 persons
 Image processing/embedded systems           1 person
 System design and consulting                1 person
 Other                           1 person  
Each of us has our own areas of expertise, and we are honing our skills by concentrating on the technologies in which we excel.

〇 Cooperating Companies
 Business support Web system, High frequency circuit design, Web system for R&D, Hardware, enclosure, board design, VC/.NET development, etc. 5 companies

Partner Companies and Affiliations

Sky Technology is an alliance partner of NI (formerly National Instruments).
It is also the first Asian company to be certified as a SysytemLink Specialty (September 2019).
SkyTechnologie is a registered member of ASAM e.V. (Association for Standardisation of Automation and Measuring Systems).
Sky technology is a supporting member of the Optical Society of Japan.


NI Professional Instructor (CPI) 2 persons
The CPI is a certification that authorizes NI to teach on-site training and classroom-style training courses.
LabVIEW Designer Certification Tests​ (CLA) 3 persons
The CLA is the highest level LabVIEW certification exam and certifies that you are proficient in LabVIEW application design and project management.
LabVIEW Developer Certification Exam ​(CLD) 3 persons
The CLD certifies the ability to produce workable and properly documented LabVIEW code with minimal development work.