2021年November のニュース

Completion of practical application and commercialization of the next-generation JM-OCT

 Practical application and commercialization of JM-OCT *1 developed in collaboration with Prof. Yoshiaki Yasuno, University of Tsukuba, Faculty of Medicine and Medical Science, and others, has been completed. (Delivery completed to a major cosmetics manufacturer in Nov. 2021)  JM-OCT is the next-generation OCT that visualizes all optical properties of tissue in three dimensions. It is also attracting attention as a non-invasive, non-contact measurement and evaluation technology for organoids and biological tissues made from iPS cells and ES cells. *1 Jones matrix optical coherence tomography

Year-end and New Year holidays (2021/12/30 – 2022/1/5)

We will be closed for the year-end and New Year holidays during the following period. 2021/12/30 (Thu) – 2022/1/5 (Wed) Inquiries during the holiday period will be handled in order from 2023/1/6 (Fri) onward. Please note that inquiries received on 2022/12/30 (Thu) may be handled on or after 2023/1/6 (Thu).

SystemLink function introduction: Data navigation/file viewer (1:41)

【Movie】SystemLink function introduction: Data navigation/file viewer (1:41) This movie shows about the data navigation/file viewer function of SystemLink.SystemLink uses the data navigation/file viewer function that allows you to search for measurement data based on meta information and display the search results in graph form.(Keywords: SystemLink, data navigation, file viewer, data management, data search, graph display, remote)

SystemLink function introduction: System manager/package repository (1:13)

【Movie】SystemLink function introduction: System manager/package repository (1:13) This movie shows about the system manager/package repository function of SystemLink.SystemLink’s system manager/package repository can be used to centrally manage systems (instruments), deploy software to systems, and display job results. (Keywords: SystemLink, system management, centralized management, software deploy, package, remote)

SystemLink function introduction: Data analysis/automated reporting (1:46)

【Movie】SystemLink function introduction: Data analysis/automated reporting(1:46) This movie shows about the data analysis/automated reporting function of SystemLink. The SystemLink TDM Analysis Add-on can be used to automate the analysis and report generation of indexed measurement data. (Keywords: SystemLink, analysis, data management, automation、report generation、remote)

Example of OCT imaging: Fingernail

【Movie】Example of OCT imaging: fingernail (1:57)  Here are 3D OCT images of the fingernail taken with the SS-OCT system we are developing. OCT data recorded by OCT equipment is rendered in real-time using GPGPU (CUDA).(Keyword: OCT, GPGPU, CUDA)